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Sasuhina: Why do we ship them?

"[...] because they look cute together." Yea, if you ask some Sasuhina fans, then this might be one possible answer.

They do look cute together, but they have so much more in common.

Firstly, their appearance. They seem to have the same color scheme. Dark hair, blue and purple kinds of clothes, ivory skin. They just seem to match with each other perfectly.

Though, they also share some other things.

(c) that's my drawing :)

Here's a little list:

-> they're both from influential and renowned clans of Konoha

-> special eyesight duh

-> strict fathers, whose expectations couldn't have been fulfilled

-> talented and favoured sibling

-> awful childhood

-> possess same elements: Katon and Raiton

-> calm + quiet personality/character (sort of)

-> according to the parameter, they have the same values in Tai-Jutsu (3,5) and Knowledge (3,5)

Okay, so they do have a lot in common, but still they're utterly different. duh

I mean, c'mon. She loves sweets - he hates them. He is arrogant and a jerk - and she's the complete opposite! And the list goes on and on and on... But hey! That's exactly what we Sasuhina shippers love! We love the fact that Sasuke represents the bad boy and Hinata represents the cute, innocent little girl. That's why we ship them so hardcore. :D

Of course, there are also many fanfictions in which the two of them are totally OC. That's of course okay too! As long as there'll be plenty of Sasuhina stories, we'll be happy!

Maybe after reading this post, you'd give Sasuhina a try. Because why the hell not? It's more fun having a lot of ships sailing around. :)

P.S.: Don't worry, neither Naruto nor Sakura will know about your incoming Sasuhina-affection *cough* - they won't find you and they definitely, so not gonna, probably - uhh, I mean obviously won't kill you and burn your house down *awkward laughter*.

Thanks for reading and see ya soon! :)

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