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Hola! What's up?? My name's Melo and this is my very first blog entry here (as you can see hehe).

First of all, I'd like to introduce myself.

Just as I said, the name's Melo. I'm a 19yrs old girl and live in Germany. I still go to school.

What do I do in my freetime? Well, there are lots of things. Perhaps. I love drawing (mostly digital, though sometimes traditional), reading fanfictions (of Naruto), watching series/animes/movies/duh and last but not least, I love playing computer games (such as Cs Go). :D

Furthermore, I absolutely love Naruto, cute stuff, Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes and The Beatles. <3

Well, my most favourite character of all animes is Hinata Hyuga. You can't really imagine how much I adore her. :) She's such a cute, innocent, strong, beautiful little Kunoichi. I love to ship her with Sasuke Uchiha, oh yeeesh. Sasuhina is love. I also

like to ship her with Naruto. hehe, classic

I've started drawing for a long time. So, I already have some other blog-like-things. Such as:


tumblr. :

facebook :


~Feel free to take a look! ~

So, to be honest, I don't think that even one single soul will read whatever I'm gonna write but I don't care about it. I'm gonna use this blog as kind of a diary -because that's what a blog is ehhh-.

Finish reading this awkward piece of words?

Then, thanks for your attention or perhaps wasting your time *shrugs*.

Have a nice day and feel free to look around! :)


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