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Girl No 10 Fanfiction

Fanfiction Recommendation

Today, I'd like to present to you one of my favourite fanfictions on

It's Girl No 10. First of all, some basic information:

category: Naruto

pairing: Naruto x Hinata

status: incomplete

name: Girl No 10

author: meiween

summary: 'Wrong love. Wrong place. Wrong time. AU.'

rated: M

genre: Hurt/Comfort/Romance

words: 54,199

Why do I even recommend this ff?

That's easy to answer. After reading dozens of really romantic-cliché fanfictions, I'd been searching for something new (don't get me wrong, I freakin' love romantic-cliché ffs). I was searching for a story which could melt my heart -naw, not melt, rather like shattering it into thousands of little pieces hehe *sad laughter. This fanfiction is designed to make you cry. To be honest, I had to cry like a little b*atch at some parts.

It's basically about a , well, -I don't wanna spoiler- a sad romance between Naruto and Hinata. When you read it, it's like an exciting rollercoaster ride. There are so many hidden emotions and when you first start reading it, you just wanna continue and read it till the end.

How did I read it?

To shorten it up, I laid in my bed with my cellphone. Started in the evening -that was a huge mistake- and read till the end or rather till the morning ehehe #noregrets.

I couldn't get to sleep or should I rather say, I didn't want to sleep...

Sometimes smiling, sometimes crying, sometimes angry, euh yeeea. You get it.

-> Conclusion:

If you like dramatic and romantic plots, you should definitely read it. Although, it's not finished yet it's worth your time. Afterwards you can imagine what will happen next. :)

Take your time, get comfy and get some cookies or/and a pot of cacao!

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